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Microbial fuel cell an alternative for COD removal of distillery wastewater


Distillery wastewater
Microbial Fuel Cell
Agar salt bridge

How to Cite

Anupama, NV, P., & US, H. (2011). Microbial fuel cell an alternative for COD removal of distillery wastewater. Journal of Research in Biology, 1(6), 419-423. Retrieved from


Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a type of renewable technology for electricity generation since it recovers energy from renewable materials that are difficult to dispose of, such as organic wastes and wastewaters. In the present study, mixed consortia from domestic sewage were used in Double Chambered Microbial Fuel Cell for the treatment of distillery wastewater. Distillery wastewater was diluted to get different concentrations from 1100 mg COD/L to 10100 mg COD/L and this was given as feed to microbes present in MFC. The COD removal efficiency increased with the increase in feed concentrations until 6100 mg COD/L and further increase in feed concentration led to deterioration in the COD removal efficiency and current generation. The maximum COD removal of 64% was achieved at the feed concentration of 6100 mg COD/L. MFC produced a maximum current of 0.36 mA and power density of 18.35 mW/m2



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