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Conservation threats to the water birds in Deepor Beel, Assam


Water bird
Soil digging
Deepor Beel

How to Cite

Das, J., & PK, S. (2011). Conservation threats to the water birds in Deepor Beel, Assam. Journal of Research in Biology, 1(6), 435-439. Retrieved from


Water birds are becoming increasingly exposed to human activity as human population expands. We initiated this study to document the current conservation threats of water birds in Deepor Beel, the lone Ramsar site in Assam. The study revealed the presence of 39 species of water birds from 16 different families. Out of these species nine species were winter visitors to the wetland and the rest 29 species were breeding residents. Currently, Deepor Beel is facing dangers from various angles. Most of these are anthropogenic in nature. The prominent conservation threats were soil digging, encroachment, agricultural practices, hunting and trapping of water birds, excessive fishing, fragmentation and degradation of wetland habitat due to the establishment of railway line were most severe in nature. All these anthropogenic factors were bringing danger to the proper survival of water birds. Thus, the present study will greatly helped in perusing conservation strategies for proper management of the water birds as well as their habitat



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