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Habitat preservation is a concern for conserving of Heliotropium rariflorum Stocks. in the forest of North Gujarat Region (NGR), Gujarat, India.


Conservation, Threatened plants, Gujarat, Encroachment

How to Cite

S, R. K., J, J., SFW, S., & S, K. (2011). Habitat preservation is a concern for conserving of Heliotropium rariflorum Stocks. in the forest of North Gujarat Region (NGR), Gujarat, India. Journal of Research in Biology, 1(1), 30-37. Retrieved from


The present study deals with the status, distribution and conservation of habitats of Heliotropium rariflorum – a threatened plant in the forest area of North Gujarat Region. It is tall under shrub; the distribution is exclusive to specific habitat and substratum. Survey was conducted from May 2005 to Dec 2006. A probable list of locations of the species in the study area was prepared based on the literature, reports, thesis and informal interviews with the local people. Using the above information random transects were located and surveyed in two phases.
A total of 631 individuals of H. rariflorum were recorded from NGR. Distributions of H. rariflorum are restricted into two main habitats; Thorn and Scrub Forest. The sandy soil substratum was found to be the most suitable one for H. rariflorum. The major threats to this plant were recorded as cutting and grazing, while most of the individuals are facing indirect threats in the form of habitat dryness



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