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Comparison of different parameters of invasive and non invasive sampling methods for microsatellite genotyping: a case study from Red Junglefowl and its application for other Galliformes


Invasive and non-invasive sampling
genotyping and Red Jungle fowl

How to Cite

Sathyakumar S, Mukesh, Fernandes, M., & RP, M. (2011). Comparison of different parameters of invasive and non invasive sampling methods for microsatellite genotyping: a case study from Red Junglefowl and its application for other Galliformes. Journal of Research in Biology, 1(1), 38-43. Retrieved from


In studies dealing with genetic and disease prognosis, biological sampling is a prerequisite. Earlier, blood and muscle samples were taken after live captures. These invasive procedures are of considerable risk when sampling endangered species. Therefore, non invasive samples like shed feathers/hairs, faeces and hatched or predated egg shells are the alternative source for genetic study. We collected 18 Red Junglefowl feather samples (plucked feathers n= 6; shed feathers n=12) across its northwestern distribution range in India. The DNA yield was compared with other sample types i.e. blood, egg shell and faeces (n=6 for each sample type). We found a gradient in DNA yield as blood (770 μg/ml) > plucked feathers > shed feathers > egg shell = faeces (30 μg/ml). DNA extracts from feathers were amplified for four microsatellite loci. Three samples (17%) for all 4 microsatellite loci, four samples (22%) for 3 and 2 loci each, and seven samples (39%) for 1 locus were successfully genotyped. We found that the successful amplification of multilocus genotypes were dependant on the condition of the starting material and the type of sample. There are few studies that have compared the quality and quantity of DNA being produced through varying degree of invasiveness. None have considered effort (time) and the cost involved in procuring the samples from field and processing samples in lab. We scaled all the aspects of cost and efforts from 1 (low) to 10 (high) and here presenting a comparative analysis for the efficacy of invasive and non-invasive sampling methods



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