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Morphological alterations caused by Diflubenzuron in Anopheles darlingi root (Diptera, Culicidae)


Chemical control

How to Cite

FM, C., & WP, T. (2012). Morphological alterations caused by Diflubenzuron in Anopheles darlingi root (Diptera, Culicidae). Journal of Research in Biology, 2(3), 215-221. Retrieved from


The morphological alterations caused by Diflubenzuron, LC50= 0.006 ppm, in larvae, pupae, and adults of Anopheles darlingi (Root 1926) were sistematized. The third stage larvae showed elongation of the cervix 18-20 hours after exposure to the insecticide. Ecdysis in these larvae started after 40 hours: mortality began, with tissue extravasation and difficulties to discard the exuvia. The fourth stage larvae showed tissue extravasation in the beginning of the formation of the puparium. The mouth parts of the larvae that completed the puparium were exposed, light-colored, and presented clefts on the integument. Many of those that were able to perform ecdysis to adult could not escape the exuvia, and died bound by the legs, tarsi, and abdomen



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