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Ichthyodiversity of the Rangavali Dam, Navapur, District Nandurbar, Maharashtra State


Freshwater Rangavali Dam

How to Cite

DP, J., & KD, A. (2012). Ichthyodiversity of the Rangavali Dam, Navapur, District Nandurbar, Maharashtra State. Journal of Research in Biology, 2(3), 241-245. Retrieved from


The study area was Rangavali dam of Navapur, district Nandurbar (Maharashtra State) India. This dam has not received much attention by limnologist and this prompted us to sample the fishes throughout the year to assess the Icthyodiversity. Fishes were collected from the catch of local fisherman at different stations of dam, from June 2007 to May 2009 on a monthly basis. Initially fishes were identified by local name and common name as named by local fishermen and then the scientific identification and classification were made. In the present study, 28 fish species were found, belonging to 25 genera and 12 families were grouped under seven orders. Among 28 fish species the order Cypriniformes was found to be dominant.



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