Journal of Research in Biology Biology Journal Journal of Biology Biology research journal biomedical journal
The effect of MRET activated water on plants


dielectric permittivity
root system
MRET Water

How to Cite

Smirnov, I. (2012). The effect of MRET activated water on plants. Journal of Research in Biology, 2(4), 362-369. Retrieved from


This particular article relates to the study of the effect of MRET Activated water on growth and development of higher plants. It provides some evidence that MRET Activated water with the modified physical and electrodynamic characteristics may enhance specific molecular mechanisms in living cells of botanical origin. In particular, the discovered change (a reduction) of the viscosity of activated water should influence essentially the movement of cellular juice in the vessels of xylem and phloem. Change of the conductivity and the dielectric permittivity should render a strong influence on the movement and the characteristics of ions in water. The living cells of botanical origin have rather complex structure, consisting of the folding membranes, the specialized connections, and organelles. The localization of ions is particularly important, since each of the complex structures must be expected to have a specific role in the electrical function of the cells and as a result it may affect plants germination and development. To verify the validity of the proposed hypothesis the study on higher plants was conducted at the Institute of Cellular Biology and Gene Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.



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