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Avian diversity in Barna Wetland of Narmada basin in Central India


Avian diversity
Barna wetland
Migratory birds

How to Cite

Balapure, S., Dutta, S., & Vyas, V. (2012). Avian diversity in Barna Wetland of Narmada basin in Central India. Journal of Research in Biology, 2(5), 460-468. Retrieved from


Observations were made on the occurrence and diversity of waterbirds in Barna reservoir from March 2009 to February 2011. A total 63 species of water birds belonging to 7 order and 12 families were recorded from the wetland during the study. Migratory birds also visit the reservoir during winter season. Anatidae was the most dominant family recorded during winter, in terms of species richness and population. The present paper deals with various types of habitats available in the reservoir and its surrounding area. The mosaic of habitats makes it an unique avifaunal refuge. Protected catchment area is also a supportive feature for the conservation of bird species.



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