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Criteria for optimization of mass rearing of the parasitoid Cotesia flavipes in the laboratory


Quality control
larval parasitoid
mass rearing
biological control

How to Cite

DG, R., SR, V., AM, V., SA, D. B., MM, L., VL, L., & ACP, V. (2012). Criteria for optimization of mass rearing of the parasitoid Cotesia flavipes in the laboratory. Journal of Research in Biology, 2(5), 529-536. Retrieved from


In this study, we aimed to evaluate criteria that serve to optimize the mass rearing of the parasitoid Cotesia flavipes in the laboratory. The following studies were conducted: (1) Optimal density of the third instar larvae of Diatraea saccharalis was parasitized using a rearing unit, (2) Parasitism capacity during the lifespan of C. flavipes was examined, (3) Pupae of C. flavipes were weighed, and (4) Adult C. flavipes were fed with different diets. We found that a density of five larvae of D. saccharalis parasitized using a rearing unit is most suitable for the mass production of C. flavipes. A female C. flavipes may parasitize three larvae of D. saccharalis for up to 4 h after copulation, generating quality individuals for mass rearing. It is impractical to mass market the parasitoid C. flavipes by weight, the correct is to count the number of masses to form the release unit. A diet of 2.5% honey and 5% sucrose is most suitable for adults during the mass rearing of C. flavipes.



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