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Anatomical variation in the olfactory apparatus of marine teleosts



How to Cite

S, B., NC, D., SK, S., & SK, D. (2013). Anatomical variation in the olfactory apparatus of marine teleosts. Journal of Research in Biology, 3(1), 742-748. Retrieved from


The olfactory apparatus of marine teleosts viz., Rastrelliger kanagurta, Scomberoides commersonianus and Platycephalus scaber belonging to the family of Scombridae, Carangidae and Platycephalidae respectively has been fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution for 24 h and anatomically examined under light microscope (LM). Anatomical variation regarding the nostrils, olfactory rosette, occurrence of accessory nasal sacs, olfactory lobes, length of the olfactory nerve tracts, etc. are observed. These morphological variations may denote species specific and may decisive for several biological functions.



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