Journal of Research in Biology Biology Journal Journal of Biology Biology research journal biomedical journal
Identification of Animal Pasteurellosis by PCR Assay


Culture lysate
genomic DNA
Pasteurella multocida

How to Cite

PS, V., M, D., & M, V. (2013). Identification of Animal Pasteurellosis by PCR Assay. Journal of Research in Biology, 3(3), 895-899. Retrieved from


Diagnosis of pasteurellosis has become difficult, as there are five different capsular types and 16 somatic types. Molecular techniques like PCR are adapted nowadays for rapid and accurate diagnosis in early stage of the disease and also it provides useful information for epidemiological studies. The present study was conducted to study the efficiency of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the identification of P. multocida isolates and evaluation of different PCR methods viz., (i) PCR using genomic DNA (ii) PCR using culture lysate and (iii) PCR by colony touch method. In the present study P. multocida specific PCR was performed by using KMT1SP6 and KMT1T7 oligos. These oligos amplified the genomic DNA from P. multocida isolates only. All the three methods produced PCR amplified product at 460 bp and colony touch method was found to be the best method



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