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Biodegradation of phenol at low and high doses by bacterial strains indigenous to Okrika River in the Niger Delta of Nigeria


Okrika River

How to Cite

CE, N., & GO, A. (2013). Biodegradation of phenol at low and high doses by bacterial strains indigenous to Okrika River in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. Journal of Research in Biology, 3(3), 911-921. Retrieved from


Assessments on biodegradation at low and high doses of phenol by bacterial strains indigenous to Okrika River in Niger Delta of Nigeria were carried out. Growth at low dose of 0.01 μg/l phenol showed that highest and lowest cell density values of OD540nm of 0.15 and 0.09 in Pseudomonas sp. SD1 and Citrobacter sp. RW1 while at 1.0 μg/l phenol concentration the highest cell density values of OD540nm of 0.28 was observed in Staphylococcus sp. RW2. The highest specific growth rate of 0.019 h-1 at 500 mg/l of phenol was obtained for Pseudomonas sp. SD1 while Citrobacter sp. RW1 had the lowest specific growth rate of 0.014 h-1 at 500 mg/l of phenol. The specific phenol degradation rate ranges from 55.35 to 130.98 mg/(L.h.OD). The order of specific phenol consumption rate at 1000 mg/l by the organisms is: Bacillus sp. SD3>Pseudomonas sp. SD1>Citrobacter sp. RW1>Staphylococcus sp. RW2. Citrobacter sp. RW1 exhibited highest growth yield in 250 mg/l of phenol with the growth yield of 6.24 (x 10-4 A540 unit.l/mg). The results showed that the test organisms might be the most suitable bacterial strains for removal of phenols at low and high doses in phenolic polluted media.



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