The study explores material consumption (water, paper and chemicals) and energy carriers (electricity and natural gas) and also architectural factors in Khuzestan environmental conservation administration to achieve implementing green management system and material and energy efficiency in the official buildings. The results show that paper consumption has decreased by 7% less than last year as a result of implementing semi-mechanized system. Also, because of the warm weather and increase the amount of drinking, the results demonstrate that water consumption has an increasing trend from early summer. Besides, cooling section is the greatest consumer having 51% of total consumption, afterward experimental equipment having 14% share, administrational section with 12% share and finally the lighting share with 10%. At last, the study suggests some strategies to increase productivity with environmental considerations that decrease an average of 360.000 KW of energy consumption and 123.327 cubic liters of water and 165 kg of paper in the period of one year.
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