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Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in the region El Hajeb (central Morocco)


El Hajeb
medicinal plants

How to Cite

El Amri, J., El Badaoui, K., Zair, T., Bouharb, H., Chakir, S., & Alaoui, T. E. M. (2014). Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in the region El Hajeb (central Morocco). Journal of Research in Biology, 4(8), 1568-. Retrieved from


As a part of enhancement of the natural heritage of the region Meknes-Tafilalet, an ethnobotanical study was conducted in the El Hajeb region. This study describes the different uses of medicinal plants by the local population and their impact on the degradation of plant biodiversity. And it also helped to create a catalogue of different species in the region. On the basis of questionnaire prepared, a survey was conducted among the local population and herbalists operating in the field of medicinal and aromatic plant intermediaries. The analysis of results from 220 question cards, using data processing technique has enabled us:- To identify 80 species distributed in 40 families with a significant representation of the Lamiaceae family To represent the frequency of use of cash by the local population surveyed at the study area To represent the frequency of use by age, gender, and according to the school.
Despite the richness of the studied medicinal and aromatic plants in this area, the local population does not benefit from its natural resources.



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