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Evaluation of changes in proximate composition of Bacteriocin supplemented Prawn

How to Cite

Karthick Raja. (2011). Evaluation of changes in proximate composition of Bacteriocin supplemented Prawn. Journal of Research in Biology, 1(1), 6-14. Retrieved from


Bacteriocins are antibacterial proteins produced by bacteria that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. The present study deals with the effect of various form of bacteriocin derived from Lactobacillus brevis as crude culture supernatant, ammonium sulphate precipitate and dialysed product on the changes of proximate
composition such as moisture, protein, total ash ,total sugar fat and microbial analysis. These were analysed by seeing total bacterial , fungal, yeast, spore formers, coliform and anaerobes counts in cooked prawn. No effect on proximate composition was observed in all forms of bacteriocin treated food. No microbial growth was recorded but distinct reduction in protein, fat and total sugar, moisture, total ash were observed in non - bacteriocin supplemented food which suggest the possible use of bacteriocin as food preservative for processed food product 



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