Effect of environmental factors on seasonal abundance of a coccid in Pteris biaurita L. (Pteridaceae) from Deolo hills, Kalimpong, West bengal

  • Biplab Patra Department of Botany, Ananda Mohan College, Kolkata-700009, India
Keywords: Insect- fern interaction, coccid, seasonality, scale density, environmental factors, Pteris biaurita


Insect – fern interaction is reported as a rare event of phytophagy from Eastern Himalaya. The scale is a host specific opportunistic feeder, feeds exclusively on the abaxial surface of mature pinnae of Pteris biaurita. Population density of the scale exhibited significant linear positive correlation with environmental factors (all r > .56, p< 0.05) of the study site. Rain fall, atmospheric temperature and relative humidity have positive influence over seasonal variation in scale density


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How to Cite
Biplab Patra. (2011). Effect of environmental factors on seasonal abundance of a coccid in Pteris biaurita L. (Pteridaceae) from Deolo hills, Kalimpong, West bengal. Journal of Research in Biology, 1(7), 550-556. Retrieved from https://ojs.jresearchbiology.com/ojs1/index.php/jrb/article/view/143