Assessment of viability responses of refinery effluent bacteria after exposure to phenol stress

  • Nwanyanwu CE Department of Microbiology, Federal university of Technology, P. M. B. 1526, Owerri, Nigeria
  • Abu GO Department of Microbiology, University of Port Harcourt, P. M. B. 5323, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Keywords: Phenol toxicity, Exposure period, Viability, Bacteria


Toxicity of phenol on two bacterial strains isolated from biological treatment unit of petroleum refinery effluent was assessed based on viability responses after exposure to increasing doses of phenol. Viability was based on the reduction of TTC via dehydrogenase activity in viable cells but not by dead cells after 1, 2, 3 and 4 h exposure to phenol. The viability responses of the organisms to phenol are time dependent. At 1, 2 and 3 h of exposure, there was a stimulation of dehydrogenase activity in Pseudomonas sp. RBD1 and Bacillus sp. RBD2. In Pseudomonas sp. RBD1, dehydrogenase activity was progressively inhibited at phenol concentrations greater than 250 mg/l at 1, 2 and 3 h. In Bacillus sp. RBD2, dehydrogenase activity was also progressively inhibited at concentrations greater than 250 mg/l at 1h. Total inhibition occurred in 4 h exposure at all concentrations of phenol in both organisms. The IC50 ranges from 190.605 ± 9.786 to 1070.546 ± 23.127 mg/l. The results of the viability responses assessment of the bacterial strains indicated that the toxicity of phenol depends on the duration of exposure of the organisms to the test chemical


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How to Cite
CE, N., & GO, A. (2011). Assessment of viability responses of refinery effluent bacteria after exposure to phenol stress. Journal of Research in Biology, 1(8), 594-602. Retrieved from