Short term effect of thiamethoxam on glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity in Snake head, Ophiocephalus punctatus

  • Arun M. Chilke Division of Toxicology and Biomonitoring, Department of Zoology, Shree Shivaji Arts, Commerce and Science College, Rajura-442905 (India).
Keywords: Thiamethoxam,, GDH, Snake heads, Ophiocephalus


An organochloride, thiamothoxam is used commercially for controlling the agricultural pest. In the present study it was observed that at sub-lethal concentration (29.483 ppm) the GDH activity in the liver, kidney, gill and muscle of Ophiocephalus punctatus increased non-significantly from 24hrs to 96hrs of exposure. The maximum activity in all these organs was at 96 hrs. It has been concluded that thiamethoxam at sub-lethal concentration may alter the glutamate metabolism in all the tissues by enhancing the GDH activity in short duration of exposure


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How to Cite
Chilke, A. M. (2011). Short term effect of thiamethoxam on glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity in Snake head, Ophiocephalus punctatus. Journal of Research in Biology, 2(1), 023-027. Retrieved from