Effect of feeding frequency on growth performances and survival of Rutilus rutilus caspicus

  • Majid Mohammad Nejad Shamoushaki Department of Fishery, Bandar Gaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Gaz, Iran
Keywords: Feeding frequency, growth performances, survival, Rutilus rutilus caspicus


Feed management plays a major role in the economical and environmental status of fish farms. Optimum feeding frequency seems to be dependent on fish size and higher frequency of feeding was found to be advantageous for higher growth and survival in younger age groups. The fishes should have the access to feed up to satiation for their optimum growth. This experiment was conducted for six weeks at four treatments and three replications as follows: Treatment A: One time a day at 8:00 h, treatment B: Two times a day at 08:00, 12:00 h, treatment C: Three times a day at 08:00, 12:00, 16:00 h and treatment D: Four times a day for feeding at 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 h. Given the importance of the physical and chemical factors and their impact on water supply and ultimately the fish growth, these factors were so controlled through the experiment that the amount of dissolved oxygen was fixed on 5.5 - 6 ppm, the temperature 26 ± 2 0C and pH 7.5 to 8. Rutilus rutilus caspicus were fed during the experimental period with SFK feed staff containing: 8.7 % moisture, 11.2 % ash, 32 % protein and 10.5 % fat. Feeding rate was 10% of total body weight of fingerlings. According to the results of this study, it was shown that feeding frequency no affect body weight and length gain of fish and there is no significant difference in the rate of FCR, BWI%, SGR, GR and CF (p < 0.05). Result of this study showed that increasing of feeding frequency there isn’t effect on growth and survival in Rutilus rutilus caspicus.



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How to Cite
Majid Mohammad Nejad Shamoushaki. (2012). Effect of feeding frequency on growth performances and survival of Rutilus rutilus caspicus. Journal of Research in Biology, 2(3), 200-205. Retrieved from https://ojs.jresearchbiology.com/ojs1/index.php/jrb/article/view/195