Radio-protective and anti-clastogenic effects of Barleria lupulina Lindl. extract against γ (gamma)-ray (1.2 Gy) induced mitotic chromosomal aberrations of laboratory mice Mus musculus and it’s effect on fish tumor induced after γ- irradiation

  • Pradip Kumar Sur Associate Professor, Cytogenetics Laboratory, Dept. of Zoology, Kanchrapara College, Kanchrapara-743145, Dist-(N)24 Pgns ,West Bengal, India
  • Pranab Kumar Das Research Scholar, Cytogenetics Laboratory, Dept. of Zoology, Kanchrapara College, Kanchrapara-743145, Dist-(N)24 Pgns ,West Bengal, India
Keywords: Barleria lupulina Lindl, γ (gamma)-ray, chromosomal aberrations, mice bone marrow cells, radiation protection, anti-clastogenic, anti-tumor, anti-cancer


Cancer and tumor formation are a common problem to mankind all over the globe. Cancer is a life threatening disease. In this study, we have investigated for radio-protection by using Barleria lupulina Lindl. plant extract (BLPE) on mice, one hour pre and one hour post treated with γ -ray (1.2 Gy dose). Adult healthy mice were subjected to whole body γ -irradiation (1.2 Gy). Different types of mitotic chromosomal aberrations were studied. Out of the two sets, maximum protection was obtained with BLPE post treated animals (72.22%). Analysis of the data revealed that BLPE can give significant protection to mice against chromosomal damage induced by γ-ray. Moreover, thin layer chromatography and phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of steroid, terpenoid, glycosides, flavonoid, tannins and carbohydrate, in the BLPE. BLPE was also found to reduce γ-ray induced tumor in fish (Oreochromis mossambicus). Thus we report for the first time potent anti-clastogenic and anti tumor activity of BLPE in mice and fish, respectively.


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How to Cite
Sur, P. K., & Das, P. K. (2012). Radio-protective and anti-clastogenic effects of Barleria lupulina Lindl. extract against γ (gamma)-ray (1.2 Gy) induced mitotic chromosomal aberrations of laboratory mice Mus musculus and it’s effect on fish tumor induced after γ- irradiation. Journal of Research in Biology, 2(5), 439-447. Retrieved from