A chromosomal analysis of seven Cameroonian Acrididae species (Orthoptera: Acridinae, Oedipodinae and Spathosterninae) based on published data

  • Seino Richard Akwanjoh Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, University of Bamenda, P.O. Box 39, Bamenda, Cameroon
  • Dongmo Tonleu Ingrid Laboratory of Applied Ecology (LABEA), Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Dschang, P.O. Box 353, Dschang, Cameroon
Keywords: Acrididae, Acridinae, Oedipodinae, Spathosterninae, karyotype, relationships


So far, the karyotypes of seven Acrididae species from Cameroon have been reported. These species included: Acrida turrita, Chirista compta, Coryphosima stenoptera producta, Oxycatantops spissus (Acridinae), Paracinema luculenta, Morphacris fasciata (Oedipodinae) and Spathosternum pygmaeum (Spathosterninae). Karyotype and meiosis relationships among these species were analysed from published data. The species had a common karyotype made up of 23 acrocentric chromosomes (males), the sex mechanism in all seven species was XX♀-XO♂ and meiosis was normal and chiasmate. The chromosomes in the species occurred in three size groups of long, medium and short. The number of chromosomes per size group however varied among the species (A. turrita = 4LL:5MM:2SS; C. compta =4LL:4MM:3SS; C. stenoptera product=2LL:6MM:3SS; O. spissus =5LL:3MM:3SS; P. luculenta = 6LL:2MM:3SS; M. fasciata = 6LL:2MM:3SS; and S. pygmaeum = 2LL:7MM:2SS). The X chromosome was long in the Oedipodinae, medium in the Acridinae and short in the Spathosterninae. Total length of chromosomal material was in the series C. compta > O. spissus > P. luculenta > S. pygmaeum > A. turrita > M. fasciata > C.s. producta.


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How to Cite
Akwanjoh, S. R., & Ingrid, D. T. (2013). A chromosomal analysis of seven Cameroonian Acrididae species (Orthoptera: Acridinae, Oedipodinae and Spathosterninae) based on published data. Journal of Research in Biology, 3(4), 947-953. Retrieved from https://ojs.jresearchbiology.com/ojs1/index.php/jrb/article/view/303