Determining the Natural Gypsophila L. (Coven) Taxa Growing in Tunceli (Turkey)

  • Mustafa Korkmaz Erzincan Üniversity, Science and Arts Faculty, Department of Biology, Erzincan-Turkey
  • Hasan Ozçelik Süleyman Demirel Üniversity, Science and Arts Faculty, Department of Biology, Isparta-Turkey
Keywords: Coven, Gypsophila, Habitat, Biodiversity, Tunceli, Turkey


56 species belonging to 60 taxa (out of 126 species in the World) of Caryophyllaceae family grows naturally in Turkey with Gypsophila sps L. as the third largest genus. The endemism ratio of the genus is 60% in Turkey. Because Turkey is the gene center of Gypsophila and economically very valuable; determining the geographic distribution and biological characteristics of the taxa is very necessary. They have well-developed roots, that prevent soil erosion. Because of containing saponin (10-25 %) in their root, its extract is used as fire extinguisher, gold polisher, cleaner and softener of delicate fabrics and crispness giving substance for halva. It is also used for making liqueur, herbal cheese, ice cream and some other foods. Some taxa are boron hyper acumulators and vegetative mining can be conducted by hyper accumulation. They are also thought to be the cleaning tools for toxid areas by fitoremediation.
In this study, 12 records from eight Gypsophila taxa were collected around Tunceli. These are G. aucheri Boiss. (1), G. elegans Bieb. (1), G. pallida Stapf. (2), G. perfoliata L. var. perfoliata (1), G. ruscifolia Boiss. (3), G. sphaerocephala Fenzl ex Tchihat var. cappadocica Boiss. (1), G. venusta Fenzl (1) and G. viscosa Murray (2). With addition of G. briquetiana Schischk. and G. hispida Boiss. the total number is reaching to 10 and it shows that the city is an important diversity center of the genus. G. aucheri, G. briquetiana and G. sphaerocephala var. cappadocica are endemic to Turkey and G. pallida, G. perfoliata L. var. perfoliata, G. venusta and G. viscosa are determined to be new records for Tunceli.


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How to Cite
Korkmaz, M., & Ozçelik, H. (2014). Determining the Natural Gypsophila L. (Coven) Taxa Growing in Tunceli (Turkey). Journal of Research in Biology, 4(1), 1220-1227. Retrieved from