The growth performance of Clarias gariepinus fries raised in varying coloured receptacles

  • Ekokotu Paterson Adogbaji Department of Fisheries, Delta State University, Asaba Campus, Nigeria
  • Nwachi Oster Francis Department of Fisheries, Delta State University, Asaba Campus, Nigeria
Keywords: Receptacle, growth coloured, cultured, vessel and Clarias gariepinus


This study was conducted to access the effect of various background colors of cultured vessel on growth performance and response in the production of Clarias gariepinus fry. A total of two female (800 g) and one male (1 kg) of test fish was used. During the eight weeks of the experimental period, the C. gariepinus fry were reared in three tanks in duplicates with different background colors (green, blue and white). Body weight and total length of C. gariepinus were recorded for the eight weeks and mean variance of the collected data were analyzed for significant difference. Mean weight and Mean length values were separated using Duncan multiple range test (DMRTS). Background color did not significantly affect the growth performance of C. gariepinus fry. The length and weight of the sample were measured weekly. Data collected were used to determine the specific growth rate. at week one green tank was 0.19 g with a length of 1.02 cm with a survival rate, mean weight and length of 86%, 0.56 g and 4.26 cm, blue tank was 0.14 g with a length of 1.02 cm with a survival rate, mean weight and length of 84%, 0.64 g and 4.38 cm and white tank 0.16 g with a length of 1.02 with a survival rate, mean weight and length of 82%, 0.53 g and 3.38 cm and general hatchability rate 82% respectively. At the final week (8) of the experiment blue tank had the highest weight and length 0.78 g and 5.9 cm respectively while green tank has 0.74 g and 5.2 cm, white tank has the least 0.69 g and 4.4 cm at a significant difference of 0.05.


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How to Cite
Adogbaji, E. P., & Francis, N. O. (2014). The growth performance of Clarias gariepinus fries raised in varying coloured receptacles. Journal of Research in Biology, 4(2), 1287-1292. Retrieved from