In vitro assessment of water current on growth and biometric relationship among molluscs

  • Sanindhar Shreedhar Gaikwad Research Scholar, Department of Zoology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur- 416 004, (MS) India
  • Nitin Anandrao Kamble Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur- 416 004, (MS) India
Keywords: Biometric relationships, Freshwater, Malacofauna, Water current


Water current plays vital role in the development of an aquatic ecosystem. It performs various activities in the aquatic media, which in turns replenish the nutrients and alter biotic conditions of the water bodies. In order to elucidate the exact role of water current on life of aquatic fauna, present investigation was carried out. Members of phylum mollusca are world wide distributed and include the commercially important group of organisms. These creatures are continuously exposed to water’s rapidly altering conditions and have the ability to withstand with this challenging atmosphere. So, for the present investigation, three freshwater uninoid molluscs Lamellidens marginalis, Lamellidens corrianus and Pyressia corrugata were selected. These molluscs were exposed to monitor or regulate aquatic conditions. Comparative assessment among these molluscan species, showed the impact of water current on their growth, physiology and biometric relationships. Uninoid mollusc Lamellidens corrianus proved its dominancy at availed atmospheric conditions and hence noted ideally suitable for commercial rearing.


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How to Cite
Gaikwad, S. S., & Kamble, N. A. (2014). In vitro assessment of water current on growth and biometric relationship among molluscs. Journal of Research in Biology, 4(7), 1475-1486. Retrieved from