Effect of salinity on the composition of total lipids in the two varieties of banana (Musa acuminata L.) dwarf and small dwarf in Morocco

  • Meriem BELFAKIH Laboratoire de Génétique et Biométrie, Faculté des sciences, Université Ibn Tofail, BP: 133. 14 000. Kenitra
  • Mohammed IBRIZ Laboratoire de Génétique et Biométrie, Faculté des sciences, Université Ibn Tofail, BP: 133. 14 000. Kenitra
  • Mohammed IBRIZ Laboratoire de Génétique et Biométrie, Faculté des sciences, Université Ibn Tofail, BP: 133. 14 000. Kenitra
  • Abdelmjid ZOUAHRI Unité de Recherche « Environnement et Conservation des Ressources Naturelles », INRA, CRRA de Rabat, BP6356 Rabat Instituts, Maroc
  • Said HILALI Laboratoire de Génétique et Biométrie, Faculté des sciences, Université Ibn Tofail, BP: 133. 14 000. Kenitra
Keywords: Musa acuminata L., banana


Objectives: The present study aisms to determine the effect of salt stress on the total lipid composition for two varieties of banana (Musa acuminata) viz., great dwarf and small dwarf variety. The presence of different concentrations viz.,. triglycerides and diglycerides did not influenced the increasing salt concentration in the medium. However, monoglycerides and free fatty acids were more affected by the effect of salinity.
Regarding the large dwarf variety, the absence of triglycerides noted, especially in the stressed plants and also in the control plants. In the light of our results we saw that the membrane lipids in the vast dwarf were less affected by salinity compared to the small dwarf


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How to Cite
BELFAKIH, M., IBRIZ, M., IBRIZ, M., ZOUAHRI, A., & HILALI, S. (2016). Effect of salinity on the composition of total lipids in the two varieties of banana (Musa acuminata L.) dwarf and small dwarf in Morocco. Journal of Research in Biology, 6(1), 1952-1958. Retrieved from https://ojs.jresearchbiology.com/ojs1/index.php/jrb/article/view/410