Diversity and resource characteristics of tetraodontidae fishes from Andaman with special reference to Arothron immaculatus – a preliminary study

  • Purbali Saha Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology Pondicherry University, Port Blair- 744112
  • Divya Singh Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology Pondicherry University, Port Blair- 744112
  • Bitopan Malakar Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology Pondicherry University, Port Blair- 744112
  • Santhosh Ram B Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology Pondicherry University, Port Blair- 744112
  • Venu S Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology Pondicherry University, Port Blair- 744112
Keywords: Puffer fishes, Arothron, Canthigaster, Andaman, Reef fish


Puffer fish belonging to the family tetraodontidae are usually distributed in the shallow waters. During investigation in stations viz. Marina Park, Chidiyatapu and Burmanullah, around Andaman, five species from genus Arothron and two from Canthigaster have been recorded and were mostly found to prefer coral reefs and rock crevices, with the exception of Arothron immaculatus, which was found to be present in the open waters and it confined to sandy bottom substrate with patches of sea grasses around them. These fishes were found to be most diverse and abundant in Chidiyatapu with the Margelef’s Richness Index of 2.49, Shannon-Wiener index of 1.05 and Pielou’s evenness index of 0.96. Biometric analysis results demonstrate that they have shown an isometric growth. The individuals collected were mostly lying in the length group of 120-160 mm. Gut content analysis of A. Immaculatus reveals that the fish feed mainly on molluscs and sea urchin and the other food items were shrimps, crabs, sponges, micro algae, foraminiferans etc. gastro-somatic index, hepato-somatic index and gonado-somatic indices were also calculated to throw light upon the feeding behavior and reproductive maturity of the fishes. Most of the individuals were found to be in the developing stage of maturity.


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How to Cite
Saha, P., Singh, D., Malakar, B., Ram B, S., & S, V. (2016). Diversity and resource characteristics of tetraodontidae fishes from Andaman with special reference to Arothron immaculatus – a preliminary study. Journal of Research in Biology, 6(2), 1984-1993. Retrieved from https://ojs.jresearchbiology.com/ojs1/index.php/jrb/article/view/414