Modeling and simulation examining of the asphaltene deposition in field scales during natural depletion

  • Narges Abbasi Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Mohammad Reza Rasaei Institute of Petroleum Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
  • Riyaz Kharrat Petroleum University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Asphaltene, Natural depletion, Simulation


Asphaltene deposition is one of the most important and complicated problems in the process of oil production. Asphaltene deposition on the source rock is considered as a formation damage that can cause a problem for production. The asphaltene deposition can take place in the down and up well equipment, reservoir formation, and even transmission lines. One of the most important mechanisms of asphaltene deposition is the pressure drop. In this analysis, the expected PVT model of oil was prepared by Wiprop and PVTi. After that, the dynamic model of the storage was created in the simulation of GEM and ECLIPSE 300 combination. Dynamic compositional simulator of asphaltene deposition in porous medium consists of the flow of suspended solid particles in the oil phase. Deposition of asphaltene particles is the result of the process of absorption, detachment and trapping of asphaltene in holes. Sensitivity was conducted in the parameter of asphaltene deposition and permeability damage. It was shown that the rate of deposition will increase following the increase of adsorption and plugging coefficient. The production rate was examined in addition to the above cases. The result showed that increase of production rate provides the condition for faster asphaltene deposition on the reservoir rock. Permeability damage was examined as a result of asphaltene deposition on the reservoir rock and the effect of production rate. The results showed that the rate of permeability damage in different operations will increase.


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How to Cite
Abbasi, N., Rasaei, M. R., & Kharrat, R. (2016). Modeling and simulation examining of the asphaltene deposition in field scales during natural depletion. Journal of Research in Biology, 6(6), 2085-2096. Retrieved from