Effect of feeding fermented/non-fermented kapok (Ceiba pentandra) seed cake as replacements for groundnut cake on performance and haematological profile of broiler finisher chickens

  • Oyebode DO Department of Animal Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Ogundipe SO Department of Animal Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Olugbemi TS Department of Animal Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Sekoni AA National Animal Production Research Institute, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Keywords: Kapok seed cake, Broiler chicken and Haematological profile


An experiment was conducted to evaluate performance of broiler chickens fed Non-Fermented (NFKSC) and Fermented (FKSC) Kapok Seed Cake as replacements for groundnut cake (GNC) in broiler finisher diets. A total of 225 day old broiler chicks were randomly allotted to five dietary treatments in a completely randomized design with 15 birds per replicate. Graded levels of Kapok Seed Cake (0, 10% NFKSC, 10% FKSC, 15% NFKSC and 15% FKSC) were fed at the finisher phase. The following average final weights were recorded (2342, 2210, 2339, 2131 and 2307 kg) for (0% KSC, 10% NFKSC, 10% FKSC, 15% NFKSC and 15% FKSC diets), respectively. Haemoglobin and Total protein were not affected at 10% FKSC level but decreased significantly at higher levels. Packed cell volume decreased with increase in the level of FKSC. Results showed that fermentation improved utilization of FKSC resulting in increased final weight and weight gain up to 10% dietary inclusion. No significant negative effects on haemoglobin, total protein and packed cell volume up to 10% FKSC were observed. It can be concluded that dietary level of up to 10% FKSC can be incorporated into practical broiler finisher rations without deleterious effects on the performance and haematological profile of broiler finisher chickens.


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How to Cite
DO, O., SO, O., TS, O., & AA, S. (2018). Effect of feeding fermented/non-fermented kapok (Ceiba pentandra) seed cake as replacements for groundnut cake on performance and haematological profile of broiler finisher chickens. Journal of Research in Biology, 8(1), 2401-2407. Retrieved from https://ojs.jresearchbiology.com/ojs1/index.php/jrb/article/view/460