Examining the effective factors on mistrust towards organizational change and relationship of these factors with organizational health (personnel of Sina, Shariati, and Imam Khomeini hospital)

  • Zahra Khademian Moghari MA of Public Management (Change Management), Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Mistrust to organizational changes, Stimulators, Organizational health


One of the most important challenges of plans for organizational improvement and change is personnel’ resistance toward applying changes because of mistrust to change. Therefore, organizations must identify factors stimulating mistrust to control and remove these factors. This survey was conducted in the personnel of Sina, Shariati, and Imam Khomeini hospitals with a sample of 260 people. The most important factors for mistrust stimulation of organizations have been identified based on theoretical studies and empirical evidence; these factors are organizational justice, cooperation in decision making, psychological contract violation, and negative personality. To collect data, six questionnaires were used. These questionnaires are organizational justice, cooperation in decision making, psychological contract violation, organizational health, mistrust to organizational change, and mistrust personality which consist of 69 questions. SPSS and structural equation modeling techniques were used to analyze data. The results showed that militant personality has the most effect on increasing organizational mistrust and reduce organizational mistrust. On the other hand the interactional justice has the most effect on reducing organizational mistrust and increasing administrative health.


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How to Cite
Moghari, Z. K. (2018). Examining the effective factors on mistrust towards organizational change and relationship of these factors with organizational health (personnel of Sina, Shariati, and Imam Khomeini hospital). Journal of Research in Biology, 8(2), 2425-2434. Retrieved from https://ojs.jresearchbiology.com/ojs1/index.php/jrb/article/view/463