Effect of boron and gibberellins spray on the chemical content in the leaves of olive tree

  • Mustafa EA Al-Hadethi Department of Horticulture and Landscape, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Salih UY Department of Horticulture and Landscape, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Al- Hgemi SHJ Department of Horticulture and Landscape, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ahmed OJ Janabi Department of Horticulture and Landscape, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Keywords: Gibberellin, Boron, Foliar spray, Leaves mineral, Olive trees


This examination was done in the olive orchard of, Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering – University of Baghdad-Al-Jadriya during 2015/2016 growing seasons to research the impact of gibberellins (GA3) and boron spray on 15 year's old trees of "Ashrasi" olive cultivar. This examination included two treatments, viz: three levels of spraying of GA3, 0 (GA0), 100mg.L-1 (GA100) and 200 mg.L-1 (GA200) and three concentration of boric acid (17% Boron) such as spray 0 (B0), 25 mg.L-1 (B25) and 50 mg.L-1 (B50) with their replications. Medicines were imitated multiple times at factorial trial in a Randomized Complete Black Design (RCBD) using 27 trees. The exploratory outcomes demonstrated that gibberellin at 200 mg.L-1 and boric acid at 50 mg.L-1 (GA200B50) altogether gave the most elevated leaf chlorophyll content of 64.34 and 68.10 (SPAD unit), leaf carbohydrate content 0.52 and 0.68 %, the most elevated leaf nitrogen content of 1.204 and 1.446 %, leaf potassium content of 1.582 and 1.710 %, leaf boron content of 26.19 and 32.98 mg.kg-1 and leaf zinc substance of 13.10 and 17.12 mg.kg-1 for the two seasons, separately. The least estimation of these parameters was found in the control (GA0B0) treatment.


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How to Cite
Al-Hadethi, M. E., UY, S., SHJ, A.- H., & Janabi, A. O. (2019). Effect of boron and gibberellins spray on the chemical content in the leaves of olive tree. Journal of Research in Biology, 9(3), 2685-2692. Retrieved from https://ojs.jresearchbiology.com/ojs1/index.php/jrb/article/view/496