Partial characterization and optimization of protease production from newly isolated Cohnella thermotolerans from Lonar Lake

  • Tambekar DH Post Graduate Department of Microbiology S.G.B. Amravati University Amravati – 444604 (India).
  • Tambekar SD Post Graduate Department of Microbiology S.G.B. Amravati University Amravati – 444604 (India)


Lonar Lake, an impact crater located in the Buldhana district of Maharashtra State, India is occupied by saline water and harbors various unidentified, unique haloalkaliphilic bacterial bacillus s


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How to Cite
Tambekar DH, & SD, T. (2011). Partial characterization and optimization of protease production from newly isolated Cohnella thermotolerans from Lonar Lake. Journal of Research in Biology, 1(4), 292-298. Retrieved from