Isolation, screening and induction of mutation in strain for extra cellular lignin peroxidase producing bacteria from soil and its partial purification

  • Renugadevi R Assistant Professors, Department of Biotechnology RVS College of Arts and Science, Sulur
  • Ayyappadas MP Assistant Professors, Department of Biotechnology RVS College of Arts and Science, Sulur
  • Preethy PH Assistant Professors, Department of Biotechnology RVS College of Arts and Science, Sulur
  • Savetha S Assistant Professors, Department of Biotechnology RVS College of Arts and Science, Sulur
Keywords: Lignin, LP, Bacillus subtilis, enzyme activity


The Lignin peroxidase enzyme production was carried out through bacteria isolated from sample soil collected around decayed wood at Sulur, Coimbatore. In this report, a mutant of Bacillus subtilis LPTK was obtained after chemical mutagenesis with EMS and screened for better Lignin peroxidase production. In the production optimization studies, the bacterial strain needs temperature around 37OC, pH.6, lactose as a carbon source, peptone as nitrogen source and incubation time for 36 hours for its higher enzyme productivity. The partial purification was also done


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How to Cite
Renugadevi R, MP, A., PH, P., & S, S. (2011). Isolation, screening and induction of mutation in strain for extra cellular lignin peroxidase producing bacteria from soil and its partial purification. Journal of Research in Biology, 1(5), 312-318. Retrieved from