Journal of Research in Biology Biology Journal Journal of Biology Biology research journal biomedical journal
Haemolymph composition of Ancylostomia stercorea Zeller (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) larvae with particular reference to proteins and amino acids


Ancylostomia stercorea
Cajanus cajan

How to Cite

Khan A, O, L., H, J., J, M., & S, W. (2012). Haemolymph composition of Ancylostomia stercorea Zeller (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) larvae with particular reference to proteins and amino acids. Journal of Research in Biology, 2(3), 178-183. Retrieved from


Haemolymph of 3rd, 4th and 5th larval instars of A. stercorea was extracted and used in the identification of amino acids by electrophoresis, total protein content by Lowry’s method and proteins by SDS-PAGE. Potassium, sodium and glucose levels were also determined. Seventeen amino acids were identified in all three larval instars. Thirteen protein bands were present in the haemolymph of 4th and 5th larval instars, five of which had molecular weights of >45.4 kDa while ten protein bands were present in the haemolymph of 3rd larval instar. Sodium:Potassium ratios in 3rd, 4th and 5th larval instars were 0.05, 0.14 and 0.13 respectively. Glucose concentrations in 3rd, 4th and 5th larval instars were 0.16, 0.33 and 0.57 mg/ml respectively. The results provided critical information that can be used to create artificial diets for in-vitro rearing of A. stercorea parasitoids.




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