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Studies on Methanotrophs from Lonar Lake


Lonar Lake
Achromobactor and Ochromobactrum

How to Cite

DH, T., RV, P., & AL, P. (2011). Studies on Methanotrophs from Lonar Lake. Journal of Research in Biology, 1(3), 230-236. Retrieved from


Methanotrophic bacteria were isolated and characterized from sediment from alkaline Lonar Lake. Four bacterial strains were isolated using minimal salt media to study the methanotrophs of Lonar Lake and selected bacterial strains were further characterized, screened on the basis of the temperature, and salt tolerance. Bacterial isolates were subjected to morphological, biochemical characterization and 16S rRNA sequencing. Isolates were related to the phylum proteobacteria contains different genera such as Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Achromobactor xylosoxidans and Ochromobactrum tritici. These results clearly showed that the Lonar lake ecosystem harbors unexplored methanotrophs which can be used to control global warming as well methanol remediation



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