Effects of two pressed and extruded foods on the pigmentation of the flesh and filleting yield of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

  • Mustapha ABA Biology and Health Laboratory. Environmental and Parasitology Team / UFR Doctoral Parasitology compared: Medical and Veterinary Applications." Sciences Faculty. Ibn Tofail University. Kénitra B.P. 133, 14000. Morocco
  • Belghyti Driss Biology and Health Laboratory. Environmental and Parasitology Team / UFR Doctoral Parasitology compared: Medical and Veterinary Applications." Sciences Faculty. Ibn Tofail University. Kénitra B.P. 133, 14000. Morocco
  • Elkharrim Khadija Biology and Health Laboratory. Environmental and Parasitology Team / UFR Doctoral Parasitology compared: Medical and Veterinary Applications." Sciences Faculty. Ibn Tofail University. Kénitra B.P. 133, 14000. Morocco
  • Benabid Mohammed National Center of Hydrobiology and Pisciculture (NCHP) Azrou Morocco
Keywords: Pelleted, extruted, nutrition, pigmentation, carotenoids, fillet yeild


In order to compare the pigmentation of meat thread of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, double pressed and extruded foods, an experimental test was conducted in a fish farm. Comparison of two different formulation of food and energy are performed in different energy requirements. Following this study two plans were formulated that extruded with 42% crude protein, 28% fat and 17% carbohydrate and 50 ppm of astaxanthin while pressed and 44.7% crude protein, 15% fat, 28.6 carbohydrate and 40 ppm of canthaxanthin with 20.9 MJ of digestible energy 16.48 MJ and the initial average weight of trout with 474 g higher in two circular tanks of fresh water open circuit, each group was fed twice a day. After 60 days of experimentation the average weight for the final extruded feed was 759 g (60.12% weight gain) and pressed for the 724 g (52.74%). The best conversion rate was obtained with the feed extruded with1.17 against 1.56 with a survival rate of 98.85% and respectively 97.72%.While for the pigmentation of the skin it was obtained at using the scale of Salmofan 26,46 and 23,35 for the extruded and pressed respectively .Filleting yield was 65.14% for the extruted diet and 60.64% for the pressed diet.


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How to Cite
ABA, M., Driss, B., Khadija, E., & Mohammed, B. (2012). Effects of two pressed and extruded foods on the pigmentation of the flesh and filleting yield of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Research in Biology, 2(3), 222-231. Retrieved from https://ojs.jresearchbiology.com/ojs1/index.php/jrb/article/view/210